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10 Human & Organizational Trends Reveal How To LEAD Performance Improvement in 2023

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January 6, 2023

by Tim Autrey

Through PPI Culture Profiles, Decision-Maker Discussions, feedback from Training Participants, and the multitude of Codes of Honor we’ve facilitated, we witnessed a mixed bag of Human & Organizational Performance Trends in 2022.

Significant negatives persist (and have developed) that can lead those of us committed to WIN-WIN Performance Improvement to scratch our heads and want to throw our hands into surrender- if we let them.

But we simply CAN’T.

The NEED is too GREAT.

What you are doing is FAR TOO IMPORTANT.


When NEEDS are greatest- so are your OPPORTUNITIES.

To paraphrase Charles Dickens from his masterpiece Tale of Two Cities

These are the best of times. These are the worst of times.

Here are the Trends we observed and our insights into HOW to address them to move successfully into 2023 and beyond:

2022 TRENDS…

1. Releasing the Hybrid


3. [NOT] Leveraging Your Linchpins

4. ROI on Command & Control Is Rapidly Diminishing

5. The REPS Dilemma

6. Training is NOT the Solution

7. Additional Rules & Tools are NOT the Answer

8. Safety is NOT Your Top Priority

9. “Human Error” is a Symptom NOT a Cause

10. On the Eve of Recession

Trend #1: Releasing The Hybrid

During the pandemic, all non-essential workers were…locked down. In other words, “working” from home.

The reviews on this were mixed. We had reports from some that once things settled in a bit, productivity went up (at least initially). Reports from those who continued to work from home were also mixed. Some loved it and felt more productive.

Others…not so much.

In organizations having both essential in-the-field/onsite Team Members and those who worked from home (typically in administrative or Manager/Leader roles) we’ve again heard mixed reviews- especially during 2022 where [some] returned to onsite either full or part-time.

It appears that “hybrid” work environments are here to stay in many organizations, at least for the foreseeable future.

If you remember the Pirates of the Caribbean movie, Dead Man’s Chest, or back a bit further to Clash of the Titans, or back much further to ancient folklore, the Kraken was a huge sea monster with many heads, claws, teeth, and apparently [very] bad breath.

Once “released” the fate of its victims was, well, let’s say…less than pleasant.

When it comes to Human Performance, if not properly managed, “releasing the Hybridcan have a similar impact.

If your team and/or organization continues to “release the Hybrid,” this must receive appropriate attention in 2023.

Your solution?

The quality of your work environment and team/organizational culture before C-19 likely revealed itself big-time during the lockdowns, perhaps even more so in the subsequent hybrid environment.

The value in looking backward (in the rearview mirror) is limited to learning whatever you can.

If you were highly functional before C-19. You likely remained that way.

If you were dysfunctional, this was undoubtedly amplified.

There you have it.

Looking forward, if you have or are developing a hybrid work environment, here are a few pointers based upon what we’ve learned from ‘both sides’…

  • Regular work hours are…regular work hours. The biggest complaint we heard this year from folks in the field was- not being able to reach Team Members they need permission or information from.

  • Schedules should be posted and adhered to. When you’re supposed to be available…be available. Respond immediately or as soon as possible.

  • Do NOT install software to “identify” whether Team Members are [actively] at their computers or not. If your culture is so dysfunctional that trust levels are this low, well…more insight’s needed than I can provide in this brief article.

  • Ensure face-to-face in-person contact occurs on a regular basis. We are social creatures. While online meetings have proven to be quite useful, our human psyches need proximal (in person) contact with others.

  • Do everything you can to promote and grow a culture of One Team with One Goal having One Conversation. We have tons of info available on our website ( for how to do this.

Trend #2: The [Dire] NEED for PRINCIPLES

Biased media and pervasive technology have evolved to whip the sentiments & values of individuals into a flurry that supports whatever their latest wag happens to be.

And this is proceeding at an ever-accelerating pace.

Simply consider what you see on your smartphone or computer screen once you’ve accessed a particular piece of info or searched for a given product.

My wife and I recently did a test with one of our smartphones by having a focused conversation with our phone close enough so it could ‘listen’.

What do you think began immediately popping up on the screen…for the next several days!

The results of our little test made my head explode. If you’re skeptical about this, test it for yourself…

So what?

You and I live in societies somewhere on planet earth- societies & communities currently more divided in perspectives and values than ever before in our lifetimes.

Because of this, you and your Team Members are susceptible to bringing resulting emotions, sometimes highly charged emotions, to work with them day after day.

Considering this, how then is it even possible to move the Culture of your Organization toward its most productive state- functioning as One Team with One Goal having One Conversation?

This REQUIRES a Different FOCUS...

As it turns out, there are a handful of Principles, I call them Natural Principles,which permeate the psyche of what makes us human.

These Principles are consistent from continent to continent, across ethnicities & major religions, and across generations.

I didn’t gather this insight from a book or an online article.

It has developed over the past 18 years of having had the opportunity to work with and influence more than 100,000 Team Members and their Leaders around the globe.

Your solution…

If you truly want to make things BETTER and SAFER, you simply must do something inside your organization to counter the external crap continually seeking to divide your Team Members.

By mindfully and consistently focusing on a handful of Natural Principles, you can develop a “safe zone” within your organization.

You can create an environment and a Culture where your Team Members “feel different” (i.e., BETTER) at work than they do outside of work (where they’re continually bludgeoned with highly biased info, blame, and even hate).

If it “feels good” to be in the “safe zone” of your workplace, do you think this might have a positive impact on turnover rates and the ability to attract talent?

Of course it will!

Will it elevate engagement and ownership?

You bet.

Here’s WHY this is so important in today’s environment:

Running a Team or Organization based on Principles

allows people with differing values to work together effectively.

But- what does this have to do with Performance?

Your Performance is an outcome of the collective actions, behaviors, and interactions that are accepted and expected by your Team Members.

You do the math.

If this intrigues you (if you’re truly committed to making things BETTER & SAFER, how could it not?), here are a few simple steps for successfully launching your Team and Organization into the future…

  1. UNDERSTAND & FOCUS on the (8) Natural Principles of Human Nature. Begin your journey by watching this [quick] video footage grabbed from our recent SUMMIT:

  2. IDENTIFY your organizational Core Principles. Note: Many insist on calling these “Core Values”. I prefer to draw a clean line in the sand. Values are relative and change quickly (for all of us). Principles are fundamental and do not change. If you’re gonna insist on hunkering down with “Core Valuesrather than Core Principles because you’ve already invested heavily in existing communication materials OR you simply want to be a “stick in the mud,”- fine. What’s important is the CONTEXT and the CONCEPT.

  3. COMMUNICATE. COMMUNICATE. COMMUNICATE. Once you’ve identified and articulated your Core Principles, front-run them! Put ACTION to them rather than being content with a 5-year-old corporate poster hanging on the wall. Make your Core Principles part of day-to-day conversations and communications. After all, these [ultimately] represent your Organizational WHY relative to...everything.

  4. ROLE MODEL- to paraphrase what Gandhi is given credit for saying, BE the change you wish to see. IF you are in anyleadership role, from CEO/Chairman to Business Owner, to Natural Leader on the front line, Team Members are paying WAY more attention to your choices, actions, and behaviors than any words coming out of your mouth.

We now consider a FOCUS on Principles to be so vital, so timely, and so fundamentally important that it’s become PPI’s Banner of What We Stand For.

In fact, it’s the FOCUS of my next book, scheduled to be published during the first week of June, 2023.

If you’d like to receive advance notice when Principle-Based Performance Improvement™ becomes available (or even join in the conversation with me and a handful of colleagues while I complete writing it), let me know by sending an email to

In the interim, there’s TONS of insight about HOW to develop a Principle-Based™ approach on our website:

Trend #3: [NOT] Leveraging Your Linchpins

While we’ve observed some improvement (or at least efforts to shift course) in many of our identified 2022 trends, this one remains stagnant (at best).

The Linchpins in your organization, those who have [by far] the greatest impact on HOW work [actually] gets completed, are your Front-Line Supervisors.

Unfortunately, many (if not most) organizations continue to consider and treat Front-Line Supervisors (FLS) as little more than “senior workers,” heaping tons of responsibility on their shoulders while giving them very little authority.

Moreover, to feed the insatiable hunger for data and documentation, many FLS have been burdened with so many admin duties they have little (if any) time to be in workspaces actually…supervising!

Your Solution…

  1. Front-Line Supervisors are the source of greatest impact on the choices, actions, and behaviors of those who report to them. As such, they must be considered, consulted, and treated as members of your Leadership Team.

  2. Seek every possibility to reduce FLS administrative burden. After all, much (if not most) of the “i-dotting and t-crossing” you’re currently demanding from your supervisors has little (if any) tangible impact on performance. On the flip side, there IS documented direct evidence of rising performance levels with increased supervisor time in the field.

  3. Give your FLS authority and autonomy commensurate with their responsibility. If you’re not familiar with the benefits of maximizing autonomy, check out pages 91-95 in 6-Hour Safety Culture.

  4. Develop the Leadership Skills of your Front-Line Supervisors. The best technicians do not necessarily (or automatically) good supervisors make. Note: We’re finding the need for FLS Learning & Development to be more and more acute as Millennial Team Members rise to supervise- especially when their Team includes members from multiple generations.

If you’re seeking solutions to help develop the supervisory & leadership skills of your Front-Line Supervisors, you’ll find TONS of info available on our website:

Trend #4: Returns on Command & Control Are Rapidly Diminishing

To be clear, there are times when strong Command & Control is precisely what you want- the generator or engine just tripped off, a fire erupts on a line, somebody gets seriously hurt, and so forth.

Most of the time, however, using Command & Control does NOT serve your long-term interests.

While progress has been made, in some cases significant progress, we’re still seeing individuals wearing their “Boss Hats” far too often.

Consider that by 2025, yes, just (2) years from now, Millennials and Gen Z Team Members will comprise 63.8% of the workforce. By 2030, this’ll be up to 74.7%.

So what?

Because of differing worldviews and how they were raised, Team Members from these two Generations tend to look for (and work [far] better in) environments focused on Connection & Collaboration- the diametric opposite to Command & Control.

This is not a “someday” proposition.

In today’s economy, skilled Team Members are [very] hard to find & hire (you’re likely already aware…)

And keeping good Team Members is often more difficult.

Your solution?

It will serve you well to remember that your greatest attraction & retention mechanisms are (1) the work environment you create, and (2) the relationships you maintain with those who report to you.

So- what type of Leader are you?

Are your natural tendencies biased toward control, connection, collaboration?

Access our no-cost App to find out:

Once you’ve completed the App you’ll receive access to your personalized report and a training video offering insights into how to evolve toward being a Truly Human Leader.

Becoming a more Truly Human Leader is essential to your success into the future.

Trend #5: The REPS Dilemma

The REPS Dilemma is not a new phenomenon. In fact, it’s been around since [at least] the end of WWII.

Our observation? It remained alive and well in 2022.

What is “REPS”?

There are (4) areas in which any individual, team, or organization must excel: Reliability, Efficiency, Productivity, and Safety. There you have it: R-E-P-S.

So…what’s the Dilemma?

If your organization is of any reasonable size, you undoubtedly have individual Team Members whose work responsibilities are aligned to specific quadrants.

And an individual’s job performance (doing a good job) is primarily based upon how well they perform in their respective quadrant.

IF such Team Members are working in isolation, this can (and typically does) generate conflicting priorities and agendas.

Consider, for example, an individual whose primary job function is Quality or perhaps Risk Management. The responsibilities of these Team Members predominantly reside in the Reliability Quadrant.

Team Members in Purchasing, on the other hand, hang out in the Efficiency quadrant.

As shown in the diagram above, these Quadrants are diametrically opposed.

Those whose primary responsibilities are diametrically opposed tend to sense [and generate] greatest differences in priorities and greatest levels of frustration.

Consider a Risk Management Engineer, seeking to replace a component that will have the longest useful life and be most Reliable.

Of the (3) options available, the Engineer has analyzed that the overall/long-term ROI (Return On Invest) will be greatest for the most expensive option.

The requisition is submitted to Purchasing and gets rejected.


Because the Team Member in Purchasing, whose job performance is based on saving money, is looking for lowest cost ([near-term] Efficiency).

See the problem?

How about priorities between those whose primary responsibilities reside in Safety compared with those in Production?

This one’s OBVIOUS.

Again, conflicting agendas and priorities get magnified when Team Members narrowly focus on their areas of primary responsibility.

But it doesn’t have to be this way…

Your solution

The solution to the REPS Dilemma is relatively simple; however, it requires consistent role modeling and commitment from Senior Leadership.

First, Team Members at all levels must become adaptable.

This involves expanding CONTEXT and being open to understanding other Team Member priorities and constraints.

For more info on HOW to do this, check out the video linked in Trend #6.

Additionally, your BIGGER PICTURE is to move your Culture ever-closer to functioning as One Team with One Goal having One Conversation.

To help, you’ll find a ton of associated information and (zero charge) Resources on our website:

Trend #6: Training is NOT the Solution

Back in my nuclear days, when something went wrong and “human error” was involved or suspected, it most always invoked a standard reactive recipe:

1. 3 days off without pay (for the person(s) on the “sharp end of the stick”),

2. add conditions & restrictions to associated procedure(s), and

3. train personnel (anyone who might even think about being involved with a similar task in the future)

To begin, note the phrase, “…standard reactive recipe in the first paragraph.

Whether current processes involved elements of all (3) bullets or not, we’re still seeing substantial reaction by Leadership when things don’t go well.

And unfortunately, remnants of a rote ‘punishment protocol’ continued through 2022- even mandated within the hallowed halls of HR.

To begin- is punishment appropriate? I’ll get back to this in Trend #9.

Next- the tendency to add conditions & restrictions to associated procedure(s)…

This might improve reliability and resilience, OR…it might make errors more likely. I’ll cover an aspect of this in the next Trend (#7).

So then- what about training personnel?

Somewhere along the line, someone got the idea that putting workers in a classroom and/or subjecting them to mindless e-learning is a cure-all for…most everything.

It’s NOT.

First, most individuals who find themselves on “the sharp end of the stick” instantly become your best-trained Team Members on how NOT to make the same mistake again.

While there might be some benefit to sharing what they learned, unless the issue was related to new or otherwise unfamiliar circumstances, equipment, or conditions, qualified Team Members will typically not learn anything new or beneficial.

Such mandated training frustrates the heck out of Team Members and wastes company resources (see potential impacts in Trend #10).

Finally, and a key issue- training alone has very little ‘stickability’.

And unfortunately, within many organizations, force-feeding related ‘canned’ training content continues to be a Check-the-Box exercise…

An example…

A Team Member cuts her hand. Hand Safety Training becomes mandatory (for the eighth time). Problem solved.


The question that needs asking is- why didn’t previous iterations of Hand Safety Training prevent the recent incident?

If you or your Leadership Team are still susceptible to Check-the-Box Training Syndrome, you can move in a positive direction by becoming AWARE that…

First- training, all by itself, is NOT the solution to anything. Especially when only provided to the “front line” and met with no changes in choices, actions, and/or behaviors at Leadership levels.

Second- the “nth” iteration of canned training rarely identifies or illuminates adequate specifics of a recent occurrence.

If any training is appropriate, it must (1) be specific to the incident, (2) be couched as a learning opportunity rather than, “Everyone now needs to repeat this training because…” and (3) NOT be seen as punishment.

Your Effectiveness Into 2023…

Most importantly- when something goes wrong- DO NOT REACT.

Reaction comes from emotion. The higher the emotion (frustration, anger, disbelief), the lower your ability to THINK.

When you’ve been made aware that something has gone wrong, develop the HABIT of front-running your response with these (3) questions:

  1. Is everyone okay?

  2. What happened?

  3. Is everyone and everything now in a safe condition?

Note: Notice the distinct LACK of “Who did it?” or “Who are we going to hold accountable?”

Developing the habit of asking these (3) questions does (3) wonderful things:

  • it fixes proper focus on ensuring safety,

  • it prompts moving-forward-thinking rather than casting blame, and

  • it gives you time to ‘cool off’ in what [at times] can be moments of acute frustration.

Now, about training

When it comes to improving performance, especially efforts to enhance Reliability, Efficiency, Productivity, and Safety (REPS), “Check-The-Box-and-we’re-done” training doesn’t solve or improve…anything.

For any training to be effective, there must be follow-on and follow-up reinforcement including visible role modeling, front-of-mind communications, and corresponding shifts in Leadership choices, actions, and behaviors (at all levels).

FINALLY- any training that focuses solely on what to think casts a mere shadow of the transformation-inducing power it could have when it transcends to help Team Members learn HOW to think.

You can see the development of what I’m talking about HERE:

BTW- Feel free to show/use this video within your organization in any way that might help…

Trend # 7: Additional Rules & Tools are NOT the Answer

More Rules

It’s been our observation that Step 2 in the classic old-school reaction to “Human Error” (add procedure conditions & restrictions) also remained alive and well in many organizations into 2022.

In particular, the addition or expansion of checklists continues to be a trendy “go to”.

This is likely due to the popularity of Atul Gawande’s book, The Checklist Manifesto, which IS (BTW) an exceptional book..

Unfortunately, in many cases checklists appear to have become the “hammer” to fix problems or challenges, many of which are NOT, in fact…nails.

Are there problems, inconsistencies, or weaknesses with your procedures?

Most Likely.

In organizations we’ve worked with since PPI began, without exception, we’ve heard that it takes “an Act of God” to get a procedure changed.

We saw no progress in this area in 2022.

What’s intriguing though, is that when “something bad” happens, policies and procedures are often amended with “Band-Aid®” fixes faster than the babysitter’s boyfriend leaves the house when the car pulls up!

And one thing’s for sure- reactionary “Band-Aid® fixes” to processes and procedures often have unintended consequences.

Here’s your solution

  1. If it takes “an Act of God” (and f-o-r-e-v-e-r) to get proactive procedure changes made: FIX YOUR PROCESS (Yes- it really is that simple.) NOTE: This is such a huge issue, if you’d like to know the step-by-step process I used to do this (at a nuclear power plant of all places), let’s talk. Send an email to or use the Info Request Form linked below.

  2. STOP REACTING, and…recognize that IF procedure changes can be achieved after an incident occurs, they can also be achieved before something goes wrong. (What a concept- see item 1 above.)

More Tools

To begin, any procedures, equipment, and in some cases even consumables, should be considered “tools” required to perform a given task.

What I’m addressing here are behavioral tools specifically designed to impact thoughts, choices, actions, interactions, and behaviors in a way that minimizes the potential for making mistakes while performing tasks.

Our observations are mixed on the use of and tendencies to add or minimize behavioral tools in 2022.

What was apparent was:

  1. What many organizations are considering to be “Human Performance Tools”; are missing key components of what constitutes a viable [behavior modifying] “Tool.”

  2. Many organizations are promoting far too many tools, often from different departments (e.g., Human Performance vs Safety), causing confusion and frustration.

Here’s your solution

First, for a “work aid” to function as a viable and effective Human Performance Tool it must:

  • be SIMPLE,

  • PROMPT Engaged & Focused THOUGHT, and

  • impart ACTIVE CONTROL of choices and actions.

Second, expectations for use of your primary tools (those for use under most/all conditions) should be limited to a small number.

And third, your primary Human Performance Tools should be consistent across all work disciplines, consistent across all venues (from field & plant, to office, to training, to safety meetings, to conference rooms), and consistently & proactively part of all ongoing work conversations.

The data is in…

When proper Human Performance Tools are used uncompromisingly, the potential for mistakes on the job is virtually eliminated.

The Tools themselves, at least those used by PPI Clients, have been vetted and proven to work around the globe across many different industries.

The key is to inspire your Team Members to want to use them.

Create such an environment by…

  • Elevating awareness that the Tools help make work easier and safer,

  • make them part of day-to-day task-related assignments, instructions, & conversations, and

  • demonstrate overt appreciation when Team Members are observed using the Tools

If you’d like a sample of the PPI Error Elimination Tools™ Handbook, GO HERE: (all you need pay is P/H).

If you’re seeking info on HOW to create a work environment where your Team Members want to use the Tools you’ll find tons of insight on our website and on the PPI YouTube Channel-

Trend #8: Safety is NOT Your Top Priority

This one is pretty simple and yet many organizations are STILL not getting it.

Consider this- what’s typically the safest thing you and I can do, whether we’re at home, at work, or in the field?

The safest thing we can do is- nothing at all.

To do virtually anything involves some level of RISK.

However, is your Organization does “nothing,” it has no reason to exist.

Therefore- while the slogan “Safety is Our Top Priority” sounds wonderful, it’s simply NOT true.

But if it sounds nice, what’s the problem saying it?

For most Team Members, by the time such messages reach the front line, at best they’re met with, “Whatever!”

Those who take such slogans seriously tend to get confused- especially when considering the choices & decisions they’re subjected to when schedules aren’t being met.

Such confusion generates resistance because- a confused mind says “NO”.

What’s Your Solution?

First, do a “gut check”- are YOU placing proper focus on the safety and health of people, equipment, and the environment?

Second, STOP saying “Safety is Our Top Priority.” It’s simply not true.

Third, elevate Safety to its proper pedestal- a CORE PRINCIPLE that infiltrates and directs every fiber of HOW you do WHAT you do.

Think doing this will kill your “bottom line?” Check out how Paul Oneil’s focus on Safety impacted Alcoa Aluminum when he took over as CEO. (Hint: The industrial giant had its 10 best years ever.) Find the stories Google or read my synopsis on pages 200-202 of 6-Hour Safety Culture.

Trend #9: “Human Error” is RARELY the Cause

Whenever something bad happens, there’s typically a mandate and TONS of time pressure to identify a “culprit”.

When human error is part of a sequence leading to bad outcomes, a general tendency continues to exist- to blame the person or persons on the “sharp end of the stick”.

Interestingly, a currently popular “Root Cause” investigation software tends to ‘lead’ investigators down this same path via its sequence of factor distillation.

In some industries, insurance claims continue to be more readily paid when the finger can be pointed at [typically frontline] individuals.

This is a travesty, especially related to what [should be] the ultimate aim of any incident assessment and corresponding actions- to make things BETTER and SAFER.

It’s also horrendous because 84 to 94 percent of the time mistakes occur on the job, they’re set up by processes, programs, systems, and/or structures.

Blaming the individual fixes NONE of these.

What to do?

Recognize- Blame fixes NOTHING.

Understand that human error is RARELY the root cause.

Human Error is most always a symptom- often of bigger/more pervasive issues (the 84 to 94 percent).

A great place to begin turning this tide is to use an OBJECTIVE approach for determining culpability levels of the individual(s) involved.

We have an exceptional tool for doing so. We call it The Culpability Decision Tree.

You can access the Decision Tree and User Guide HERE:

Trend #10: On the Eve of Recession

Summer and fall of 2022 saw a massive rise in inflation.

In consequence, governments and financial authorities raised interest rates to ‘cool’ economies.

‘Cooler’ economies generate less revenue.

How do Decision Makers tend to react when revenues trend (or are forecast to trend) downward?

We hunker down, corral our finances, tighten budgets.

This is what you and I are facing as we enter 2023.

Forecasters seem to agree that the recession will last [at least] into mid-year.

What does this have to do with Performance Improvement?


Since you’re reading this, I would assert you’re (1) a Senior Leader, (2) directly involved with improving performance, (3) in Human Resources, or (4) involved with Team Member Training & Development.

And when the screws get tightened, where does the screwdriver begin its twist?

In those areas considered “non-essential”.

In budget categories not needed [today] to continue operations (think Training & many initiatives to improve performance).

And while this can look good at the moment…

The short-term and long-term consequences

of the choices you make

are typically different and often opposite.

Realities are realities; however, the long-term costs of budget cuts in Safety, Human Performance, and Team Member Development can be catastrophic.

Your solution…3

If you’re a Decision Maker, have the Courage to RESPOND rather than react.

Balance the needful while maintaining a long-term perspective.

Remember- what might save a few bucks today could cost BIG TIME down the road.

If you’re a Director or Coordinator with responsibilities for improving performance (Training, Safety (EH&S), Human Performance, HR) make your case for moving FORWARD by:

(1) eliminating non-value-add training,

(2) quantifying current costs of less-than-optimum performance, and

(3) demonstrating your Return-On-Investment (ROI) for moving FORWARD.

A great place to start with Item (1)?

See my recommendations in Trend #6

For Items (2) and (3) we have a Calculator that’ll quickly quantify your current costs and project ROI for moving forward.

Moving Forward…

Whether you’ve read this entire article or scanned it to grab pieces speaking most loudly to you at this moment

…and you’ve made it this far…

You’re clearly committed.

As such, I want to THANK YOU for all you’re doing and will do, within your Sphere of Influence, to help make our world BETTER and SAFER.

Your efforts are needed NOW more than ever.

If there’s anything PPI or I can do to serve you, send us an email ( or simply use the form located HERE:

In your service,

Tim Autrey

Founder/CEO- PPI

BTW- if you’d like to download a poster of Next-Gen Leadership the Key Insights, GO HERE:



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