Late last summer, Ritu Budakoti, Vice President of our Human Performance Academy, was called to serve.
Ritu is also a licensed and certified school teacher in the state of New Hampshire. She got a phone call from the principal of a local Middle School asking if she could possibly fill a last-minute gap in the teaching roster.
Ritu and I talked about it.
When the Universe calls you to serve- you serve.
And as she does with everything, Ritu jumped in heart and soul.
Here’s an email she sent to me just yesterday (with the subject line “Personal”) …
Dear Tim,
I trust all is well, and that all the hard work you’ve put in is coming to fruition.
I just wanted to share one personal achievement with you.
Yesterday my school district announced that I am one of the ten recipients of the Exceptional Teacher Award 2020.
Just to give you the background, only 10 educators are selected from the entire district for this award. Long story short-there was a Board Meeting last night and the recognition ceremony was done online. The description for my award was read for a few minutes, as there were tons from my students and parents.
I’m sharing this in detail because most students' words I heard are the results of philosophy we teach at PPI. On introspection, I believe I used the IPM (Individual Performance Model) and it worked even with the most-tricky kids.
Each and every message I heard last night was about how I made them feel, how I showed caring towards them, and how I facilitated their learning, making it easier for them to learn even the most difficult concepts. It was VERY HEARTWARMING!!
I couldn't help but draw a comparison between this and the business/ organizational world. It is imperative for leaders to be cognizant of walking the talk, because they are the role models. Their direct or indirect interaction is either building or breaking their company culture, the question is- are they even aware of this? Self-awareness is the KEY!
So, for those who ask whether the PPI approach works? I can ONCE again vouch that YES, it truly WORKS! Time again and again it works! And given the fact that this was my first year at this school, this is PROOF that it does not take long to change culture! After all, any strong foundation is built upon trust and relationship, be it business or education.
I had to ‘twist’ Ritu’s arm for her to allow me to share this with you. She’s never been one to ‘toot her own horn.’
Beyond acknowledging Ritu as a truly exceptional human being, I see (3) specific lessons here worth sharing:
First, when you’re called to serve- SERVE - with all the heart, soul, mind, spirit, and energy you can possibly muster.
Second, whether directly or indirectly, our choices, actions, and behaviors impact the mindsets, perceptions and feelings of others. Being aware of this is ESSENTIAL.
Finally, foundations built upon trust and relationship are key to EVERYTHING. From society at large, to business teams and organizations, to school classrooms.
No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.
Thanks Ritu for being such a bright light. You serve as a model for all of us!
Until next time my friend, be well and stay safe.

Tim Autrey
Founder/CEO- PPI