24 years ago today, I had the honor and blessing of marrying my very best friend.
Some of you know her- her name’s Suzette.
Not only the ‘love of my life’, she’s my business partner and best friend as well.
On our 20th Anniversary, we had the opportunity to renew our vows on Sugar Beach in Costa Rica. Our ‘Officiant’ was our good friend, Dr. Joe Dispenza.
Surrounded by friends during that ‘ceremony’, I was truly touched by the unique intimate wonderfulness Suzette and I share.
If you’re reading this in your email, we’re right now on our way to a week in the Galapagos Islands. I’ve wanted to go there since I was a kid.
It continues to be a wonderful ride and I am extremely blessed.
The BIG Idea
I can say without reservation that I am in the midst of the best marriage I am aware of on this planet.
I can say this because I get to live it, day in and day out- work days, play days, celebration days, and otherwise.
And over time, I’ve discovered the ‘secret’ to having such a relationship.
Wanna know what it is?
Let’s see if you can ‘get’ this: I like me best when I’m with her.
That’s it.
(And I’m pretty sure Suzette will tell you she likes herself best when she’s with me.)
Whether in your marriage, with your kids, your good friends, or fellow team members, there’s tremendous power in understanding the underlying message in, “I like me best when I’m with her.”
Look, if you truly want fantastic relationships on any level, get yourself out of the way. Put the other person first in a way that makes them feel better about…them.
Most of the time you’ll find what comes back to you (and for you) is truly amazing.
And for me, helping others feel better about themselves is one of the biggest rewards there is.
So here’s my question- who can you help feel better about themselves today?
Do it NOW.
Until next time, my friend, be well and stay safe,

Tim Autrey
Founder / CEO- PPI